Kit Stephenson

Kit Stephenson
United States of America
iLashWorks® - Orlando, FL’s, premier eyelash studio specializing in eyelash extensions and eyelash care. Established in 2010 with a mission for quality, elegance, and safety. iLashWorks® also has it's own product line for professional lashing supplies. For more details visit our website:
iLashAcademy™ - Kit Stephenson’s iLashAcademy™ teaches safe and stylish lashing techniques to future and current lash artists. Classes are available for beginners, advanced technicians, and those interested in volume styles. Whether you are new or experienced, iLashAcademy™ has a course for you.
Kit Stephenson started her involvement with the beauty industry in 1982 and officially jumped into the lashing world in 2006. It was in 2005 that she took notice of the lashing trend, and decided the eyelash extension industry had legitimate potential. Kit started her lashing career, and eventually opened Orlando, Florida’s, premier eyelash studio in 2010. iLashWorks® is now regarded as the leader in all things eyelash related for the Central Florida area.
Since opening iLashWorks® Kit has dedicated herself to producing talented and educated lash artists. The business mission is to provide both stunning and healthy lashes. The quality of work leaving Kit’s studio has raised the standards in her local community, and has gained the recognition of international peers.
Kit was awarded Lash, Inc. Magazine’s ‘2014 Lash Artist of the Year’ award, and is regarded as an invaluable authority on lash safety standards. Her credits include: Local & international proctor for the Association of Damage Free Eyelash Extensions, a founding member of the American Eyelash Association, Certified Lash Mastery Educator, Certified Member of National Lashologist Council, along with myriad of other awards and professional credits.
The dedication and diligence Kit has put into her studio and academy is an investment into the future of the industry. When the industry succeeds, individual eyelash artists reap the benefits and clients . The lashing industry’s prosperous future can only be secured through the continued development of quality education and exceptional professional standards. This mantra for excellence is practiced through her studio and iLashAcademy™.
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